Lamas Tiny Hud
The replacer was heavily inspired by the quick slot menu from Horizon Zero Dawn game
Download requirements and install them
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Download preferable replacer (Edge or White version)
Overwrite Lamas Tiny Hud with my replace
About this mod
The replacer was heavily inspired by the quick slot menu from Horizon Zero Dawn game. Also I want to express my deep gratitude to the author of the original Lamas Tiny Hud mod @mlthelama, for the fact that he contributed to the technical implementation of this replacer, so don’t forget to Endorse his mod! Premade (bottom-left) presets for 16x9 & 21x9 proportions are included in replacer, check FAQ below to understand how to apply them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which version of Lamas Tiny Hud mod should I download?
Open replacer’s folder go to > SKSE\mcm\Settings
and remove “(Ultrawide 21x9)” from .ini’s name > Make sure to overwrite
How can I change the preset to fit 21x9 resolution?
Download a mod like AddItemMenu > Use that spell/item from that mod > Select from the list mod called “doublejump.esp” > Take the “Enchanted Magic Ring” from there > Equip > JUMP!
How can I get different potion icons?
Open replacer’s folder and go to > \SKSE\Plugins\resources\icons
then open corresponding folder with potion icons > drag&drop them into “icons” folder.
How can I bla bla bla... with Lamas Tiny Hud?
Go to the mod’s Nexus page and find the answer to your question.